Jesus Our Deliverer

Jesus Our Deliverer

1….A Call to be Clean Rom. 6:5-14
Decisions dictate Outcome….Gal:6:7

2….Jesus Demonstrates Deliverance….Matt:8:16…28-34

3….Redeemed from the Curse…..Only at the Cross….Gal. 3:13-14

4..Sins and Patterns of Families….Confessing sins of Fathers…Ex.34:6-14

5..Ungodly Belief…Rom.12:2…Renouncing Lies,Receiving God’s Truth Recovering Legal ground

6…Soul or Spirit Hurts….Lk.4:18…Discover Original Cause,Forgive, Release Receive,Regain legal ground

7…Disassemble and Destroy Demonic Oppression….last stage
Eliminate them from our lives….actual Deliverance

8…Rejoice, Give thanks, enjoy your Freedom…..”It is for freedom, Christ set us free….”If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!”,